var ZdcEmapCondType = new Array(); var ZdcEmapCondVal = new Array(); var ZdcEmapCondOpts = new Array(); ZdcEmapCondType[100] = "CB"; ZdcEmapCondVal[100] = "COL_17:t"; ZdcEmapCondType[101] = "CB"; ZdcEmapCondVal[101] = "COL_119!:@@NULL@@"; ZdcEmapCondType[102] = "CB"; ZdcEmapCondVal[102] = "COL_121!:@@NULL@@"; ZdcEmapCondType[103] = "CB"; ZdcEmapCondVal[103] = "COL_123!:@@NULL@@"; ZdcEmapCondType[104] = "CB"; ZdcEmapCondVal[104] = "COL_135!:@@NULL@@"; ZdcEmapCondType[105] = "CB"; ZdcEmapCondVal[105] = "COL_137!:@@NULL@@"; ZdcEmapCondType[106] = "CB"; ZdcEmapCondVal[106] = "COL_139!:@@NULL@@"; ZdcEmapCondType[107] = "CB"; ZdcEmapCondVal[107] = "(COL_127!:@@NULL@@ AND COL_86:1)"; ZdcEmapCondType[108] = "CB"; ZdcEmapCondVal[108] = "(COL_129!:@@NULL@@ AND COL_86:1)"; ZdcEmapCondType[109] = "CB"; ZdcEmapCondVal[109] = "(COL_131!:@@NULL@@ AND COL_86:1)"; var ZdcEmapCondGroup = new Array(); var ZdcEmapCondAndOr = new Array(); var ZdcEmapCondAppend = new Array(); ZdcEmapCondAndOr[0] = 'AND'; ZdcEmapCondGroup[100] = 0; ZdcEmapCondAndOr[1] = 'OR'; ZdcEmapCondGroup[101] = 1; ZdcEmapCondGroup[102] = 1; ZdcEmapCondGroup[103] = 1; ZdcEmapCondGroup[104] = 1; ZdcEmapCondGroup[105] = 1; ZdcEmapCondGroup[106] = 1; ZdcEmapCondGroup[107] = 1; ZdcEmapCondGroup[108] = 1; ZdcEmapCondGroup[109] = 1; //------------------------------------------------------------- // 拠点検索関係 //------------------------------------------------------------- var ZdcEmapNearShop = new ZdcNearShop(); var ZdcEmapSearchPoint = null;//検索した位置を保持 var ZdcEmapSearchScale = null;//検索した縮尺を保持 var ZdcEmapSearchFirst = null;//位置決定後の最初の検索か否か var ZdcEmapBoundsChanged = null; // 検索決定 function ZdcEmapSearchSet(lat,lon,notmove) { // マップ移動 ZdcEmapSearchEventStop(); var latlon = ZdcEmapTky2Wgs(lat, lon); var center = new google.maps.LatLng(, latlon.lon); if (!notmove) ZdcEmapMapObj.setCenter(center); if(16 > 0) ZdcEmapMapObj.setZoom(16); ZdcEmapSearchMapIcon(center); // 拠点検索 ZdcEmapSearchFirst = 1; ZdcEmapSearchPoint = null;//必ず再検索させるため //ZdcEmapSearchShopStart(); ZdcEmapBoundsChanged = google.maps.event.addListener (ZdcEmapMapObj, 'bounds_changed', ZdcEmapSearchShopStart); } //検索開始 function ZdcEmapSearchShopClick() { if(ZdcEmapButtonNG()) return; ZdcEmapSearchPoint = null;//必ず再検索させるため ZdcEmapSearchShop(); } function ZdcEmapSearchShopStart() { google.maps.event.removeListener(ZdcEmapBoundsChanged); ZdcEmapSearchClickFlg = 1; ZdcEmapSearchPoint = null;//必ず再検索させるため ZdcEmapSearchEventStop(); //画面を切り替える if(ZdcEmapCondObj.mode != "cond") { //ZdcEmapSearchShopClose();//拠点以外のリストを消す var url = ""; url += "&cond100=1&cond101=1&cond102=1&cond103=1&cond104=1&cond105=1&cond106=1&cond107=1&cond108=1&cond109=1&"; url += "&"; //mod 2022/09/15 url += "&https_req=1"; ZdcEmapHttpRequestHtml(url, function(html,status){ if(status) html = "申し訳ありませんが只今大変混み合っております。TOPページに戻りしばらく時間を置いてからご利用ください cond["+status+"]"; ZdcEmapCondObj.innerHTML = html; ZdcEmapSearchShop();//条件部が表示されてから検索開始 }); ZdcEmapCondObj.mode = "cond"; = "visible"; } else { ZdcEmapSearchShop(); } } // 検索メイン処理 function ZdcEmapSearchShop() { ZdcEmapReadOn(); // var latlon = ZdcEmapMapObj.getLatLon(); // var p = ZdcEmapMapObj.getLatLon(); // var box = ZdcEmapMapObj.getLatLonBox(); // var boxmin = box.getMin(); // var boxmax = box.getMax(); var p; p = ZdcEmapMapObj.getCenter(); var center = ZdcEmapWgs2Tky(, p.lng()); p = ZdcEmapMapObj.getBounds().getSouthWest(); var boxmin = ZdcEmapWgs2Tky(, p.lng()); p = ZdcEmapMapObj.getBounds().getNorthEast(); var boxmax = ZdcEmapWgs2Tky(, p.lng()); if(ZdcEmapSearchPoint != null && 5 == -1) { //自動再検索しない ZdcEmapReadOff(); return; } //自動検索イベント停止 ZdcEmapSearchEventStop(); //絞り込み条件取得 cond = ZdcEmapGetCond(); var opts = new ZdcNearShopOptions(); opts.cid='search'; =; opts.lon = center.lon; if((ZdcEmapSearchFirst != 1) || (16 > 0)) { opts.latlon =","+boxmin.lon+","","+boxmax.lon; opts.radius = 0; } else { ZdcEmapSearchFirst = 0; opts.radius = 50000; } opts.jkn = cond; opts.pos = 1; opts.maxCount = 50; opts.limitCount = 50; opts.timeout = 10000; if (ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId != null) { // 詳細表示中の拠点ID var mrk = ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId; if (mrk && mrk.data1) opts.exceptKid = mrk.data1; } opts.cols = "NAME,COL_184,COL_192,COL_193"; ZdcEmapNearShop.opts = opts; //リストを表示する ZdcEmapSearchShopList(0); //アイコンを表示する,ZdcEmapSearchShopResult); } //絞り込み条件組み立て var ZdcEmapCondParms = ""; function ZdcEmapGetCond() { var cond=""; var condArr=new Array(); ZdcEmapCondParms = ""; if(document.ZdcEmapCondForm) { var obj,chk=new Array(),chkcnt=0,col=new Array(),colcnt=0,fw=new Array(),fwcnt=0; var all=new Array(),allcnt=0,allcondno=new Array(),condno=''; for(var i = 0;i < document.ZdcEmapCondForm.elements.length;i ++) { obj = document.ZdcEmapCondForm.elements[i]; if(!obj) break; condno ='cond',''); switch(obj.type) { case "checkbox": if(obj.checked == true) { ZdcEmapCondParms += "&cond"+condno+"=1"; chk[chkcnt] = ZdcEmapCondVal[condno]; all[allcnt] = chk[chkcnt]; allcondno[allcnt] = condno; allcnt++; chkcnt ++; } break; case "select-one": if(obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value) { if("" != ""){ //mod 2022/09/ ZdcEmapCondParms += "&cond"+condno+"="+obj.value; } else { var n = obj.selectedIndex + 1; ZdcEmapCondParms += "&cond"+condno+"="+n; } col[colcnt] = ZdcEmapCondOpts[condno][obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value]; if (col[colcnt] != '') { all[allcnt] = col[colcnt]; allcondno[allcnt] = condno; allcnt++; colcnt ++; } } break; case "radio": if(obj.checked == true && obj.value) { var radios = eval("document.ZdcEmapCondForm."; if (radios) { for (i = 0; i < radios.length; i++){ if (radios[i].value == obj.value) { var n = i + 1; ZdcEmapCondParms += "&cond"+condno+"="+n; } } } col[colcnt] = ZdcEmapCondOpts[condno][obj.value]; if (col[colcnt] != '') { all[allcnt] = col[colcnt]; allcondno[allcnt] = condno; allcnt++; colcnt ++; } } break; case "text": if(obj.value) { if(obj.className == 'cond') { ZdcEmapCondParms += "&cond"+condno+"="+obj.value; col[colcnt] = ZdcEmapCondVal[condno]+obj.value; all[allcnt] = col[colcnt]; allcondno[allcnt] = condno; allcnt++; colcnt ++; } else { fw[fwcnt] = "FREE_SRCH:FW:"+"'"+obj.value+"'"; all[allcnt] = fw[fwcnt]; allcondno[allcnt] = condno; allcnt++; fwcnt ++; } } break; case "button": break; default: if(obj.value) { col[colcnt] = ZdcEmapCondVal[condno]; all[allcnt] = col[colcnt]; allcondno[allcnt] = condno; allcnt++; colcnt ++; } break; } } var cno,newcond = "",newqs = ""; var qstr = QSTRING.split('&'); for(var i=0; i 0) { for(var i = 0;i < allcnt;i ++) { cn = allcondno[i]; gr = ZdcEmapCondGroup[cn]; if (gr != undefined) { if(!condArr[gr]) condArr[gr] = ''; if(condArr[gr]) condArr[gr] += ' '+ZdcEmapCondAndOr[gr]+' '; condArr[gr] += all[i]; } } if(condArr.length > 0) { if(condArr[0]) { if(cond) cond += ' AND '; cond += '('+condArr[0]+')'; } if(condArr[1]) { if(cond) cond += ' AND '; cond += '('+condArr[1]+')'; } } } } if(typeof ZdcEmapCondAppend[0] !== 'undefined'){ if( ZdcEmapCondAppend[0] != ''){ if(cond != ''){ cond = '('+cond+') '+ZdcEmapCondAppend[1]+' '+ZdcEmapCondAppend[0]; } else { cond = ZdcEmapCondAppend[0]; } } } return cond; } //検索結果の処理 function ZdcEmapSearchShopResult(result) { var i,item,mrk,tmp,icnt,maxlat=0,maxlon=0,minlat=999999999,minlon=999999999; function setLatLon(lat, lon){ = lat; this.lon = lon; } latlons = new Array(); //マーカー削除 if(ZdcEmapMapShopMrkCnt != null) { for( i = 0;i < ZdcEmapMapShopMrkCnt;i ++) { if (ZdcEmapMapShopMrkId[i]) { //ZdcEmapMapObj.removeWidget(ZdcEmapMapShopMrkId[i]); ZdcEmapMapShopMrkId[i].setMap(null); ZdcEmapMapShopMrkId[i] = null; } } } ZdcEmapMapShopMrkCnt = 0; //エラー処理 if(result.status != 0 && result.status != 3 && result.status != 5 && result.status != 9) { alert("La recherche a échoué. listres["+result.status+"]"); ZdcEmapSearchEventStart(); //ZdcEmapSearchShopClose(); ZdcEmapReadOff(); return; } //地図に置く icnt = result.items.length; for (i=icnt-1; i>=0; i--) { item = result.items[i]; if(!item.icon) break; if(item.nflg == 1) tmp = ZdcEmapIconImg["@NEW"]; else tmp = ""; //最大最小緯度経度取得 if( > maxlat) maxlat =; if(item.lon > maxlon) maxlon = item.lon; if( < minlat) minlat =; if(item.lon < minlon) minlon = item.lon; icn_img = ZdcEmapIconImg[item.icon]; icn_num = i + 1; // mod 2022/09/15 if ("" && "" != 1 && "" != 1) { icn_img = ""+icn_num+".gif"; } else if ("") { icn_img = ""+icn_num+".gif"; } // 無効なアイコンIDの場合は透明アイコンに差し替え if (icn_img == null) icn_img = ZdcEmapIconImg["@TP"]; latlons[ZdcEmapMapShopMrkCnt] = new ZDC.LatLon(, item.lon); item.lat_wgs = item.col_192; item.lon_wgs = item.col_193; if (item.lat_wgs) item.lat_wgs = ZDC.msTodeg(item.lat_wgs); if (item.lon_wgs) item.lon_wgs = ZDC.msTodeg(item.lon_wgs); var wgs = false; if (item.lat_wgs && item.lon_wgs) { = item.lat_wgs; item.lon = item.lon_wgs; wgs = true; } mrk = ZdcEmapMakeMrkApi2(i,, item.lon, ZdcEmapIconW[item.icon], ZdcEmapIconH[item.icon],ZdcEmapIconW['@NEW'],ZdcEmapIconH['@NEW'], ZdcEmapIconOffsetX[item.icon], ZdcEmapIconOffsetY[item.icon],ZdcEmapIconW[item.icon]-ZdcEmapIconW['@NEW'],ZdcEmapIconH[item.icon], icn_img,tmp,, item.icon, '', item.nflg, function() { ZdcEmapShopMsg(; } , null ,item.lvl ,wgs ); //if (ZdcEmapMapShopMrkId[i] != null) ZdcEmapMapObj.removeWidget(ZdcEmapMapShopMrkId[i]);//念のため //ZdcEmapMapObj.addWidget(mrk); ZdcEmapMapShopMrkId[i] = mrk; ZdcEmapMapShopMrkCnt ++; } if(ZdcEmapSearchClickFlg) { ZdcEmapSearchClickFlg = 0; //初期検索時は画面移動 if (ZdcEmapMapShopMrkCnt > 0) { //拠点が収まる範囲に移動 if (!ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId) { var minlatlng = ZdcEmapTky2Wgs(minlat, minlon); var maxlatlng = ZdcEmapTky2Wgs(maxlat, maxlon); var swLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(, minlatlng.lon); var neLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(, maxlatlng.lon); var bd = new Array(); bd[0] = swLatLng; bd[1] = neLatLng; for (var b = 0; b < bd.length; b++) { while (!ZdcEmapMapObj.getBounds().contains(bd[b])) { ZdcEmapMapObj.setZoom(ZdcEmapMapObj.getZoom() - 1); } } } } } //document.getElementById('ZdcEmapMap').style.visibility = "visible"; //ZdcEmapMapFrontShopDetail(); //ZdcEmapMapCursorRemove(); ZdcEmapSearchEventStart(); //色々閉じる //ZdcEmapPoiRouteClear(); //検索位置を保持 // ZdcEmapSearchPoint = ZdcEmapMapObj.getLatLon(); // ZdcEmapSearchScale = ZdcEmapMapObj.getZoom(); ZdcEmapSearchPoint = ZdcEmapMapObj.getCenter(); ZdcEmapSearchScale = ZdcEmapMapObj.getZoom(); ZdcEmapReadOff(); if (ZdcEmapSearchFirst == 1 && 14 > 0) { ZdcEmapSearchFirst = 0; if (ZdcEmapMapShopMrkCnt == 0) { ZdcEmapMapObj.setZoom(14); } }else{ if (ZdcEmapMapShopMrkCnt == 0) { ZdcEmapVisibleNotFound(); google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(ZdcEmapMapObj, "bounds_changed", ZdcEmapHiddenNotFound); } } } //詳細表示(アイコンのみ表示) function ZdcEmapShopIcon(lat, lon, icnno, nflg, NotMoveFlag, wgs) { //登録されていないアイコンIDの場合は処理しない if (!ZdcEmapIconImg[icnno]) { icnno = "@TP";//透明画像 } var mrk; //地図移動 if( NotMoveFlag == undefined || NotMoveFlag != 1 ){ ZdcEmapMapMove(lat, lon, wgs); } // var center = new ZDC.LatLon(Number(lat), Number(lon)); // ZdcEmapMapObj.setHome(center); // //フォーカスカーソルを表示する // mrk = ZdcEmapMakeMrkApi2(0, lat, lon, // ZdcEmapIconW['@SEL'], ZdcEmapIconH['@SEL'],0,0, // ZdcEmapIconOffsetX['@SEL'], ZdcEmapIconOffsetY['@SEL'],0,0, // ZdcEmapIconImg['@SEL'],'', // '', '', '', 0, null, null, null // ); // if(ZdcEmapMapCurMrkId != null) ZdcEmapMapObj.removeWidget(ZdcEmapMapCurMrkId); // if(ZdcEmapMapCurFocusMrkId != null) ZdcEmapMapObj.removeWidget(ZdcEmapMapCurFocusMrkId); // ZdcEmapMapObj.addWidget(mrk); // ZdcEmapMapCurFocusMrkId = mrk; // mrk.setZindex(101); //詳細アイコンを表示する if(nflg == 1) tmp = ZdcEmapIconImg["@NEW"]; else tmp = ""; mrk = ZdcEmapMakeMrkApi2(0, lat, lon, ZdcEmapIconW[icnno], ZdcEmapIconH[icnno],ZdcEmapIconW['@NEW'],ZdcEmapIconH['@NEW'], ZdcEmapIconOffsetX[icnno], ZdcEmapIconOffsetY[icnno],ZdcEmapIconW[icnno]-ZdcEmapIconW['@NEW'],ZdcEmapIconH[icnno], ZdcEmapIconImg[icnno],tmp, '', icnno, '', nflg, null, null, null , wgs ); if (ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId != null) ZdcEmapMapObj.removeWidget(ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId);//念のため //ZdcEmapMapObj.addWidget(mrk); ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId = mrk; // latlons = new ZDC.LatLon(lat, lon); // mrk = new ZDC.Marker(latlons,{ // /* マーカのサイズに合わせて位置を調整する */ // offset: new ZDC.Pixel(ZdcEmapIconOffsetX[icnno], ZdcEmapIconOffsetY[icnno]), // custom: { // base : { // src: ZdcEmapIconImg[icnno], // imgSize: ZDC.WH(ZdcEmapIconW[icnno], ZdcEmapIconH[icnno]) // } // } // }); // if(ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId != null) ZdcEmapMapObj.removeWidget(ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId); // ZdcEmapMapObj.addWidget(mrk); ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId = mrk; = lat; ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId.lon = lon; } function ZdcEmapSearchShopList(page) { var url = ""+ "&lat=""&lon="+ZdcEmapNearShop.opts.lon+"&latlon="+ZdcEmapNearShop.opts.latlon+ "&radius="+ZdcEmapNearShop.opts.radius+"&jkn="+encodeURI(ZdcEmapNearShop.opts.jkn)+"&page="+page; url += ZdcEmapCondParms; url += "&"; // mod 2022/09/15 url += "&his=nm"; url += ""; url += ""; url += "&ts="+ZdcEmapTS(); url += "&https_req=1"; url += "&"; ZdcEmapHttpRequestHtml(url, function(html,status){ if(status) html = "申し訳ありませんが只今大変混み合っております。TOPページに戻りしばらく時間を置いてからご利用ください list["+status+"]"; ZdcEmapListObj.innerHTML = html; }, false, 2); } //フキダシ表示 var userwidgethukidasi = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); userwidgethukidasi.set("noSuppress", true); function ZdcEmapShopMsg(id) { if(ZdcEmapButtonNG()) return; //if(ZdcEmapCondObj.mode == "eki" || ZdcEmapCondObj.mode == "jnr" || ZdcEmapCondObj.mode == "froute") return;//最寄駅や施設を出してる時は出さない ZdcEmapShopMsgClose(); // //アイコンを前面に出す // if(id != null) ZdcEmapMapFrontShopMrk(id); // else ZdcEmapMapFrontShopDetail(); //デザイン if(id != null) var obj = ZdcEmapMapShopMrkId[id]; else var obj = ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId; if(!obj) return; //フキダシを表示させる var url = ""+obj.data1; //url += ZdcEmapCondParms; url += "&"; url += "&his=nm"; url += "&https_req=1"; url += "&"; ZdcEmapHttpRequestHtml(url, function(html,status){ if(status) html = "申し訳ありませんが只今大変混み合っております。TOPページに戻りしばらく時間を置いてからご利用ください msg["+status+"]"; // var userwidgethukidasilabel = // { // html: html, // offset: new ZDC.Pixel(0, 0) // }; // var hukidasilatlon = new ZDC.LatLon(Number(, Number(obj.lon)); // userwidgethukidasi = new ZDC.MsgInfo(hukidasilatlon, userwidgethukidasilabel); // ZdcEmapMapObj.addWidget(userwidgethukidasi); //; ZdcEmapSearchEventCenterChangeAvailable = 0; //userwidgethukidasi = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); userwidgethukidasi.setContent(html);, obj); }, true, 2); } //閉じる function ZdcEmapShopMsgClose() { if (userwidgethukidasi) { userwidgethukidasi.close(); //userwidgethukidasi = null; } //ZdcEmapMapFrontShopReset(); //ZdcEmapTipsClose();//TIPSもついでに閉じる } function ZdcEmapFindShopMrk(id) { for( i = 0;i < ZdcEmapMapShopMrkCnt;i ++) { if (ZdcEmapMapShopMrkId[i]) { if (ZdcEmapMapShopMrkId[i].data1 == id) { return ZdcEmapMapShopMrkId[i]; } } } return null; } var ZdcEmapMapFrontShopMrkId = null; //指定されたアイコンを前面にもってくる function ZdcEmapMapFrontShopMrk(i){ var mrk = ZdcEmapMapShopMrkId[i]; if(mrk != null) { mrk.setZIndex(google.maps.Marker.MAX_ZINDEX + 1); ZdcEmapMapFrontShopMrkId = mrk; } } //詳細表示(拠点指定) 拠点接続用 function ZdcEmapShopDetailKidFirst(kid, lat, lon, icnno, nflg, nomove, lvl, wgs) { if (!ZdcEmapMapObj) return; ZdcEmapSearchClickFlg = 1; if (!lvl) lvl = 0; ZdcEmapShopDetailKid(kid, lat, lon, icnno, nflg, nomove, lvl, wgs); if(1 == 0) ZdcEmapSearchShopStart(); // if(1) { // //拠点以外のアイコンをクリア // for( i = 0;i < ZdcEmapMapPoiMrkCnt;i ++) { // if (ZdcEmapMapPoiMrkId[i]) { // //ZdcEmapMapObj.removeWidget(ZdcEmapMapPoiMrkId[i]); // ZdcEmapMapPoiMrkId[i].setMap(null); // ZdcEmapMapPoiMrkId[i] = null; // } // } // } } function ZdcEmapShopDetailKid(kid, lat, lon, icnno, nflg, notmove, lvl, wgs) { var mrk,tmp; ZdcEmapSearchEventStop(); lvl = parseInt(lvl); if (lvl && lvl != 0) { ZdcEmapMapObj.setZoom(lvl + ZdcEmapZoomOffset); } else if(13 > 0) { ZdcEmapMapObj.setZoom(13 + ZdcEmapZoomOffset); } // //フォーカスカーソルを表示する // mrk = ZdcEmapMakeMrkApi2(0, lat, lon, // ZdcEmapIconW['@SEL'], ZdcEmapIconH['@SEL'],0,0, // ZdcEmapIconOffsetX['@SEL'], ZdcEmapIconOffsetY['@SEL'],0,0, // ZdcEmapIconImg['@SEL'],'', // '', '', '', 0, null, null, null // ); // if(ZdcEmapMapCurMrkId != null) ZdcEmapMapObj.removeWidget(ZdcEmapMapCurMrkId); // if(ZdcEmapMapCurFocusMrkId != null) ZdcEmapMapObj.removeWidget(ZdcEmapMapCurFocusMrkId); // ZdcEmapMapObj.addWidget(mrk); // ZdcEmapMapCurFocusMrkId = mrk; // mrk.setZindex(101); //詳細アイコンを表示する if (!ZdcEmapIconImg[icnno]) { icnno = "@TP";//透明画像 } if(nflg == 1) tmp = ZdcEmapIconImg["@NEW"]; else tmp = ""; mrk = ZdcEmapMakeMrkApi2(0, lat, lon, ZdcEmapIconW[icnno], ZdcEmapIconH[icnno],ZdcEmapIconW['@NEW'],ZdcEmapIconH['@NEW'], ZdcEmapIconOffsetX[icnno], ZdcEmapIconOffsetY[icnno],ZdcEmapIconW[icnno]-ZdcEmapIconW['@NEW'],ZdcEmapIconH[icnno], ZdcEmapIconImg[icnno],tmp, kid, icnno, '', nflg, null, null, lvl ,wgs ); //if(ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId != null) ZdcEmapMapObj.removeWidget(ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId); //ZdcEmapMapObj.addWidget(mrk); ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId = mrk; ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId.data1 = kid; = lat; ZdcEmapMapShopDetailMrkId.lon = lon; //動作モードの切り替え if(1) { //拠点詳細以外は非表示 ZdcEmapSearchEventStop(); //ZdcEmapSearchShopClose(); } else { //最寄拠点表示 ZdcEmapSearchEventStart(); } if (!notmove) ZdcEmapMapMove(lat, lon); //var center = new ZDC.LatLon(Number(lat), Number(lon)); //ZdcEmapMapObj.setHome(center); //他の情報を閉じる ZdcEmapShopMsgClose(); //ZdcEmapPoiRouteClear(); } function ZdcEmapFreeRouteStatic(lat, lon) { // 未対応 return; } function ZdcEmapSearchMapIcon(latlon_wgs) { var mrk = new google.maps.Marker({ icon : new google.maps.MarkerImage( "", new google.maps.Size(20, 26), new google.maps.Point(0, 0), new google.maps.Point(0, 26) ), optimized : false, clickable: false, position : latlon_wgs }); mrk.setZIndex(0); mrk.setMap(ZdcEmapMapObj); } // 0件メッセージ表示 function ZdcEmapVisibleNotFound() { var zmap = document.getElementById("ZdcEmapMap");//地図エリア var nf = document.getElementById("ZdcEmapNotFound");//0件メッセージ表示エリア if (!zmap || !nf) return; = (zmap.clientWidth / 2 + (-150))+'px'; = (zmap.clientHeight / 2 + (-15))+'px'; = "block"; } // 0件メッセージ非表示 function ZdcEmapHiddenNotFound() { var nf = document.getElementById("ZdcEmapNotFound"); if (!nf) return; = "none"; }